Alaina and Nora

Addison Standing

Bed of Clovers, Ariel

About Dave Earl

I'm a photographer/artist working in the Eastern MN/Western WI region of the United States.   My influences include Pictorialism, historical and alternative processes, and found imagery (vernacular photography) which I have collected for several years. I like to experiment with a variety of experimental techniques including extreme depths of field (dof), unusual perspectives, various long exposure techniques, intentional camera movements (ICM), and the use of experimental or altered lenses. I use both analogue (film) and digital formats and actively experiment with alternate processes including pinhole, infrared, full spectrum, and the modern cyanotype. In addition to making photographs, my creative pursuits include painting, creating digital art based on my own photographs, photo montage, collage and incorporating found imagery/photos (vernacular photography) into my work.

My work has appeared in various publications (print and digital) and has been collected and exhibited in the United States and Europe. I was honored to be a featured artist in the NudeArtZine series by the Italian Publisher Grandolini Indie Press (volume 14 available on Amazon) and NudeArtZine's Best of 2021, also available on Amazon.  I'm presently working on a third book which will feature bodyscape photography. I'm an active contributor to Model Society (model and a long time supporter of the Flickr, 500px, and Deviant Art communities.

Artist Statement:

I like to think of myself as an experimental photographer who specializes in making photographs with an artful intention. In particular I am drawn to the endless beauty and power of the female form, and use photography to explore the relationships between body and soul, conscious and unconscious, and reality versus unreality. I am more concerned with the process of making photographs than result, more concerned about the imagined than the actual, and ultimately desire to make photographs that I want to hang on my wall. I see photography as a meditative process that enriches life by allowing one to find beauty and meaning in the world. I continue to be fascinated by the way light and shadow can be used to tell a story, express thought, and provide insight about the nature of reality.

Please use the contact form to request more information, purchase works, or to inquire about modeling/commissions.

Featured on Model Society

Dave Earl's work is often featured on the Model Society website, one of the leading websites promoting fine art nude photography by leading photographers and artists. Be sure to visit the site and check out the various offerings.

Link to the site Model Society

Link to works by Dave Earl on Model Society

Featured on Model Society

Dave Earl's work is often featured on the Model Society website, one of the leading websites promoting fine art nude photography by leading photographers and artists. Be sure to visit the site and check out the various offerings.

Link to the site Model Society

Link to works by Dave Earl on Model Society


I have photographic work displayed on the Flickr platform (mostly NSFW/restricted requiring the safe filter to be OFF). Please consider supporting Flickr as I believe the site provides an important image hosting service to artists for the display and sharing of work largely uncensored.

Flickr Profile